Another outrageous proposal by the State Government

The Weatherill Labor Government have yet again shown their irrationality when it comes to making decisions to better the State of South Australia.

“It has come to my attention that the State Government has developed a proposal to build a Seal Viewing Platform at the Goolwa Barrages.” Said Adrian Pederick, Member for Hammond.

“Is this what the Minister has been doing while we have an environment and fishing industry in crisis, working on a way to build tourism revenue?”

“The total cost of the proposed viewing platform is $112,189.00 + GST.”

“This development is simply outrageous, while we have an environment and fishing industry suffering due to the seals, we have a government who want to draw attention to them.”

“The Weatherill Labor Government talk about investing $100,000 to help the crisis the environment and fishing industry are facing.”

“If they have the focus of saving the environment and fishing industry why has it taken so long for any action to happen and,”

“Why have they planned to invest money in this platform before helping those in need, funding for this development was being considered over seven months ago.”

“This contrasts completely with the government now putting up $100,000 to trial deterrents for the New Zealand Fur Seals.”

“In my opinion they are not looking at re-locating the seals at all, in fact this goes to show they want them to stay right where they are.”

“When we have a decimated environment and fishing industry, we will have a viewing platform to see the species that destroyed it.”

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