Belvidere’s Soldiers Memorial at risk

Over 70 outraged residents of the Belvidere area attended a community forum Thursday night where Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick listened and acknowledged the significant history the triangle of trees hold.

“Work is to be undertaken at the intersection of Strathalbyn/Milang/Langhorne Creek roads at Belvidere,” said Mr Pederick.

“The proposed markings indicate that the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure are planning to decimate Memorial trees planted in 1946 for soldiers in the Second World War, some of whom never returned home.

“I advised those present at the forum Thursday night that as the Local Member I would converse with the three relevant Ministers, those being the Minister for Transport, Road Safety and Veterans Affairs.

“I have since contacted all three Ministers and have spoken to two of them, I intend on doing all I can to stop the removal of these Memorial trees.

“The fact that it’s taken the State Government six years to come up with this proposal is simply outrageous, let alone without considering the consequences of demolishing a Soldiers Memorial.

“I understand the importance of an upgrade to the intersection, however there are other ways which these roads could be made safe without affecting the Memorial, and this is what I will be pursuing with the Government.

“The Minister for Transport, Hon. Stephen Mullighan MP has committed to further investigations for an alternate proposal put forth by the local residents at the community meeting on Thursday night.

“Belvidere’s sacred Soldier’s Memorial deserves the upmost respect, as it pays tribute to those who served and sacrificed their lives for our country.”

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