Coonalpyn Fuel Station is important!

Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick is working hard to ensure the Coonalpyn Roadhouse has the greatest opportunity to continue operating and servicing the community and surrounding regions well into the future.

“I have been in discussions with Peregrine since 2014 on the issue of keeping Coonalpyn Roadhouse open and they have managed to keep it open 3 years, however, have now decided to cease operating October 31st 2017” said Mr Pederick.

“I understand the importance of this matter and have also been in communication with the Minister for Transport on several occasions since May.

“Fuel supplies are a vital part of the community, providing residents and surrounding regions with the convenience and security of sourcing their fuel locally.

“I have been advocating with relevant parties to see how we can address this fuel crisis, which is vital not just for the community but to emergency services as well.

“Having a fuel station in Coonalpyn is of significant importance and I will continue to discuss potential options with relevant parties as we progress,” said Mr Pederick.

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