Defence Shipbuilding

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (12:42): I rise to support the motion:

That this house—

(a) welcomes the federal Liberal government's commitment to the $90 billion shipbuilding program, which will secure the future of South Australia's defence industry for decades;

(b) notes the significant work being undertaken by the South Australian government to ensure that South Australians can reap the maximum benefit of the shipbuilding program; and

(c) notes the significant negative impacts on the current workforce as a result of the former federal Labor government's failure to progress any future shipbuilding contracts during its last term in office.

The Australian government has committed $90 billion over the coming decade to modernise and strengthen Australia's naval forces whilst building a strong, sustainable, sovereign, Australian shipbuilding industry. We have heard a lot of bleating from the other side, initially from the leader of the Labor Party (member for Croydon), the member for Ramsay and now the member for Giles about how many jobs and how much work South Australia will get.

Guess what? If we were only getting one job, it would be 100 per cent more jobs than Rudd-Gillard-Rudd got for South Australia and shipbuilding in this state. But we will have thousands of jobs coming to this state through the great work of the Australian federal government and the Marshall Liberal government, which I am so proud to be a part of, in making sure that we get this work so that we can keep these people employed.

We have seen what has happened with the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd failure where there has been a valley of death. We have had to put in programs to support workers coming out of that. Labor do not even support people from their own electorates working on these vessels to help secure the defence of our great nation.

I briefly want to contrast how many ships or vessels Labor commissioned under Rudd-Gillard-Rudd with what is happening now under a federal Liberal government. I will just look at the numbers. That is right: zero under Rudd-Gillard-Rudd and federal Labor when they were in power. I will give you the number of how many are going to be commissioned under an Australian federal Liberal government: 74 vessels. What a boost to this state and to the federal government of Australia.

It just smacks of utter hypocrisy that the state opposition in the Labor Party are bleating about jobs. When they should have been fighting for jobs and lobbying the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government, they were caught up in their own turmoil. I am so proud that we are delivering and that the federal government are delivering. It is such a great thing for this state to have this massive level of investment. Any day of the week, 74 vessels beat zero. I commend the motion and commend the member for Colton for bringing it to this house.

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