EFS Langhorne Creek Upgrade

Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick MP has welcomed confirmation from the Minister for Education, Training and Skills, the Hon Blair Boyer MP that the upgrades to Eastern Fleurieu School's Langhorne Creek campus are due to commence in the first half of 2023.

"Following my direct advocacy to the Education Minister under the former Marshall Liberal Government, I was able to secure $3 million in funding for significant upgrades to the school which was announced in 2021," Mr Pederick said.

Preliminary indications have Stage One - the demolition and replacement of some buildings - taking place in April. The remaining demolition and replacement of buildings, and stormwater management work is due to take place in August.

Mr Pederick notes the work was originally expected to be completed by now, however unforeseen circumstances out of his control forced the project to be delayed.

"Notwithstanding the delays, I am pleased this project will finally be going ahead as the standard of current facilities does not provide the best space for learning."

"I want to acknowledge the efforts of the school's Governing Council in seeing this work go ahead and I look forward to visiting the Langhorne Creek campus when it's completed," Mr Pederick said.  

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  • Adrian Pederick