ESCOSA Review – 5 years late

Shadow Agricultural spokesperson, Adrian Pederick is pleased authority has been provided to ESCOSA to review supply chain costs, however, why has this taken the Weatherill Labor Government five (5) years to action.

“I was heavily involved in the Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry and the committee handed their final report to the Parliament in 2012, one of the recommendations from the reported included:

“That the State Government authorise the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) to undertake a review of the entire grain supply chain with the objective of establishing arrangements that provide the basis for pricing of and access to grain storage and bulk handling facilities (including up-country services) that are consistent with the requirements of a competitive and deregulated wheat export market.”

“Why has it taken Minister Koutsantonis and the State Labor Government half a decade to instruct ESCOSA to undertake this review,” said Mr Pederick.

“This highlights how incapable the current State Government is, it also clearly highlights their disinterest in our regions and primary industries, and it is evident that agriculture and the regions are not a priority for Labor.

“I do however encourage farmers to take this opportunity to have their say and make a submission, which closes May 12.

“South Australia’s regions are crucial to the prosperity of the state, generating $25 billion worth of food value and the Weatherill Government need to stop ignoring this fact,” said Mr Pederick.

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