Hon I. F. Evans

Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 16:35 ): I rise to acknowledge the effort by the now retired member for Davenport (Hon. Iain Evans) and note that he is in this place. I note that Iain was elected to the seat of Davenport in 1993, after the end of his father's 25-year political career. During his career, Iain held many positions. As minister, he was a member of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, and coming from the seat of Hammond, I am obviously very interested in anything to do with the Murray-Darling.

Iain held the ministerial portfolios of industry and trade; correctional services; emergency services; police; environment and heritage; and recreation, sport and racing, and he was also Australia's first minister for volunteers. We all know that the value of volunteers to this state and the nation is something you cannot really put a dollar figure on, and I certainly do not think any government, either here in this state or federally, would be able to afford the massive contribution that volunteers make to keep the state and the nation going.

Iain was the leader of the opposition from March 2006 to April 2007, and some would say that he formed an unlikely political marriage with his then deputy, Vickie Chapman (the member for Bragg). I want to acknowledge a couple of things that Iain achieved during the period when he was leader. One was the position he took in regard to a freshwater recovery for the River Murray. It was a position I was hammering fairly hard, and it was certainly something that hung heavily in the party room.

Even in opposition, we were aware that we needed to make sure that Adelaide had critical human needs water, and we also had to make sure that we did the best we could for the environment and irrigators at a time when the river levels below Lock 1 dropped around two metres. It was a very trying time, and I commend the leadership that Iain showed during the initial stages of the drought that went through to September 2010. It was during that time, in January 2007, that Iain launched our policy for the 50-gigalitre desalination plant, which at the time would have only cost the state around $400 million and which was developed after we had done some research on the desalination plant in Perth.

In regard to other positions Iain held in opposition, I think it would have been easier if I read out portfolios that Iain Evans had not been involved with, either in government or opposition. The shadow portfolios he held were: treasury, WorkCover, industrial relations, small business, consumer affairs, gambling, red tape reduction, volunteers, youth, families and communities, early childhood development, social inclusion, government enterprises, education and children's services, federal/state relations, public sector management, economic development, sustainability and climate change, transport, environment and planning, and finance. If I have missed any, Iain, I apologise.

Mr Williams: Sport, rec and racing.

Mr PEDERICK: Sport, rec and racing? Hang on, I will just go back. I have got that as a ministerial portfolio. He may have done it as a shadow. I thought I had done my homework, but anyway.

What I will speak about, and obviously it has caused a lot of controversy recently, is the marine protected areas. I would just like to acknowledge that Iain Evans put the first sensible plan in place for South Australia's marine protected areas. It was a sensible plan that, if it had been rolled out completely, would have taken a lot more notice of our industries and our regions.

He has always been a valued and vital contributor to the parliament and the electorate of Davenport. Seeing Iain on his feet, I really think he challenged governments over time, and government ministers and premiers, with the way he could be an attack dog, really get onto a subject and take it right to the hilt. It was always entertaining if Iain was delegated an attack grieve. It was great to be in here to hear him put the point of view.

He has given great service to this state. He is a sharp debater and has also been a great support during some of the tough times in politics. He will be missed in this place. I wish Iain, Fiona and his family well in retirement after 21 years of valuable service to this state.

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