Senate Select Committee on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick has some concerns about the report presented by the Select Committee in relation to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
“In reference to the 31 recommendations in the Select Committee report I believe the evaluation on the use of the desalination plant and the investigation of a potential connector between Lake Albert and the Coorong as practical recommendations. However, I consider recommendation 14 outrageous,” said Mr Pederick.
Read more#murrayriverlife encourages safe river fun for upcoming long weekends
Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick and the River Murray Boating and Recreational Advisory Group (RMBRAG) successfully lobbied the State Government for $20,000 of funding last year which commenced RMBRAG’s #murrayriverlife safety campaign.
“The campaign includes nine short safety messages which are presented in videos by world champion wakeboarder and Mildura local Bec Gange,” said Mr Pederick.
Read moreRiver Murray Boating and Recreational Advisory Group
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 15:14 ): I rise today to speak about the River Murray Boating and Recreational Advisory Group, and I acknowledge the kind words today in question time from the Minister for Transport. This has been a long road for our group. We formed just over three years ago in response to a piece in The Advertiser on the front page about no-wash zones, and we knew we needed to act to protect everyone's rights in relation to the use of the river. So, that is why the River Murray Boating and Recreational Advisory Group was set up.
Read moreEmergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 11 February 2016.)
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:58): I rise to support the Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2016. This bill was introduced into this place on 11 February by the Premier. Its focus is to provide the legislative framework for the management of emergencies here in South Australia. It seeks to ensure that our state has the capability to properly manage any state emergency by articulating the key elements of the state emergency management arrangements, including roles and responsibilities under those arrangements. What the bill seeks to do is:
Read moreGender Identity & Equity Bill: Political correctness gone mad
Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick believes the Gender Identity & Equity Bill is taking Legislation to an extreme level and doesn’t agree with its entirety.
“The Bill is expected to delete the word “woman” when referring to pregnancy and replace it with “person” meaning the person will be pregnant not a woman,” said Mr Pederick.
Read moreSummary Offences (Drones) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 19 November 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 10:55 ): I rise today to speak on the Summary Offences (Drones) Amendment Bill. I note that we live in a very fast moving world, a world where technology overtakes most of us, especially those born before 1970. Technology is a fact of life and we need to embrace it, at least to a certain extent, or we will be left behind.
Read moreStatutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 10 February 2016.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 16:28 ): I rise to speak to the Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill 2016, which is a bill for an act to amend various acts to remove discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer South Australians. People may not be surprised that I will not be supporting this piece of legislation. I come from a Christian upbringing in a very conservative area in a conservative electorate, and even from hearing just the first couple of presentations today, I am wondering if this is just one step closer to legalising gay marriage by the back door.
Read moreOccupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Repeal Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 11 February 2016.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 12:32 ): I reiterate that I am not the lead speaker in regard to this bill but I rise to make a contribution to the Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Repeal Bill 2016. I want to go over some history in regard to the Occupational Licensing National Law. It goes back to 2008 when the COAG agreed to develop a national trade licensing system for multiple occupational trades. Victoria was given the task of lead legislator and South Australia passed the appropriate legislation back in 2011. Our party supported that legislation.
Read moreNgarkat Conservation Park
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:16 ): I rise to support this motion in regard to Ngarkat National Park. The motion reads:
That this house requests His Excellency the Governor to make a proclamation under section 30(2) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 excluding allotments 104 and 105 in approved plan No. DP28853, Hundred of Fisk, lodged in the Lands Titles Registration Office at Adelaide, from the Ngarkat Conservation Park.
Read moreNatural Resources Management (NRM) Levy increase
Liberal Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick today spoke to Parliament’s Natural Resources Committee (NRC) on behalf of many outraged residents in Hammond and greater South Australia.
“Regional South Australia is of great importance to the prosperity of the State. Those living in the regions need to be considered and preserved and this proposal doesn’t do either,” said Mr Pederick.
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