Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick has been denied access to the working committee targeting the overabundant New Zealand/Long-Nosed Fur Seals.
Mr Pederick has been told it would not be appropriate for him to attend the committee meetings.
“I find it interesting that a former Minister had no problem with me being part of the local River Murray working group when we were facing the drought crisis,” said Mr Pederick.
“Yet as the local State Member I am now being denied access to another local working group.
“I would like to ask Minister Hunter what is so different?
“Has he something to hide during these meetings, information he may not want me know? Maybe another viewing platform is being quoted?
“Unlike Minister Hunter, I want to be involved in the process. I have shown a true attention to this issue for over three years now, when I first moved a motion regarding the seals in 2012.
“I care about our native birds who are attacked by these seals and what effect the seals are having on our international Ramsar status.
“Our fish stocks are under severe threat, and the people in my electorate support positive action against these New Zealand/Long-nosed Fur Seals.
“It is disgraceful that not even the local Member is welcome to attend these meetings.
“What does the Minister have to hide, besides missing the boat to protect our environment and fish stocks?”
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