Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 1 December 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 15:49 ): I rise to speak to the Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill 2015. The bill enables the minister to authorise trials of automotive technologies and issue exemptions from the relevant provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959—and this is obviously the act we are amending here today—and any laws that regulate a driver's use of motor vehicles on roads.
Read moreGovernment House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
Second Reading
(Continued from 19 November 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:37 ): I rise to speak to the Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill 2015 and note that this bill is to dedicate a portion of land from the Government House Precinct to become part of the site for the ANZAC Centenary Memorial Garden Walk. It has been acknowledged that these grounds have been legislated under the Government House Domain Dedication Act 1927. This bill when it becomes an act—and I am sure it will because the bulldozers have already moved in so we probably have to get the legislation to catch up to the works—will reflect the new boundary that is 10 metres west of its current location.
Read moreMarine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 29 October 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:02 ): I rise to speak on the Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill. I will be brief because we need to get this voted on. I acknowledge the great work of the member for Goyder with regard to marine parks around this state and their impact on our fishing fraternity, and I welcome fisher families to the house today. It has been a real struggle for our fishing community. I have always believed that their activities have been very well managed under the Fisheries Management Act.
Read moreControlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation) Amendment Bill
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:32 ): I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.
I know that this bill has been presented by Hon. David Ridgway in the other place, and I note his excellent work in regard to this bill in giving more opportunity to our South Australian farmers.
Read moreFirearms Bill
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 28 October 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 12:33 ): I am happy to contribute to the conversation around the Firearms Bill 2015. I want to note the contributions so far by the shadow minister for police, the member for Morialta and the member for Stuart. I think there have been some good words already put to this debate. The member for Stuart already presented what he thought were the very good attributes of the work that the member for Morialta does. I commend the member for Morialta. I was in here the other night when he spoke for about 90 minutes to the introduction of this bill. For a bloke that has just shot five shots at a target range, though he did say that he had a very good grouping, I think he did an excellent job of putting forward the various nuances of the bill. As has been emphasised, there are people on either side of the argument: the pro responsible gun users and the people who want to get rid of firearms altogether. Then there is probably another group who want things opened up a bit more.
Read moreSurveillance Devices Bill
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 16:58 ): I rise to speak to the Surveillance Devices Bill 2015. I concur with a lot of the remarks that have been expressed already by the members for Schubert and Heysen. This bill will repeal the Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972 and make other amendments. From 2012 there has been a progression to try to get this bill through.
Read moreGallipoli Centenary
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:45 ): I would like to commend motion by the member for Florey that this house notes the centenary of the battles of Lone Pine and The Nek at Gallipoli, gratefully acknowledges the courage and heroism displayed by the forces involved and the significant deaths and injuries suffered by the gallant ANZACs—the soldiers of Australia and New Zealand—and the tenacity of the opposing Turkish forces.
Read moreBelvidere War Memorial
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 15:18 ): I rise today to speak on the Belvidere soldiers' war memorial, a memorial which pays tribute to the great sacrifices servicemen from the area made for our country. Before I speak on the history of this memorial and its significance, I would like to advise the house of what has brought me to be speaking on this today. Work needs to be undertaken at the intersection of the Strathalbyn-Milang-Langhorne Creek roads at Belvidere as a contributor to the federal allocated Black Spot funding program.
Read moreJumps Racing
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. L.W.K. Bignell:
That this house establish a select committee to inquire into and report on jumps racing in South Australia, and in particular:
(a) whether or not it should be banned; and
(b) any related matters.
(Continued from 4 June 2015).
Read moreMinnipa Centenaries
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 12:58 ): In the very brief time I have left, I would like to acknowledge the motion of the member for Flinders in regard to the centenary of the Minnipa Agricultural Centre and especially the part of the motion about its contribution to the state's reputation for innovation and leadership in the agricultural research centre. In the very limited time I have at this stage, I would like to say that governments need to fully recognise what agriculture does for this state, especially in regard to the Minnipa research centre, and not just pay lip service to it when the mining industry has had a little hiccup, as it has at the moment.
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