Private Members' Statements: Supporting Farmers

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:35): I rise today to acknowledge what has been done in local communities and communities being self-supporting with the frost and drought impact, and also the support coming externally. I want to acknowledge the barbecue that was held at Daniel and Emily Morgan's place at Peake recently where around 200 family members and farmers were there to talk to each other and have conversations that everyone is in it together as far as getting through these drought and frost-affected crops. It was a great night. It was pleasing to see Mayor Paul Simmons from the Coorong District Council there and everyone supporting each other.

We also have the Aussie Hay Runners coming over from Ararat on Saturday. They are going to meet up at the Ampol service station. The Lions Club of Tailem Bend will be cooking the lunch and Murray Bridge Meats will be supplying the meat for the barbecue. Due to extreme requests for assistance, the Hay Runners have advised that they now have 33 trucks to carry 1,056 bales of hay valued at $100,320. Some of these trucks have already arrived. Three of the trucks have already delivered loads to the most urgent need for feed, and they are having a very big discussion about having another run for a lengthy waiting list of recipients. I just want to commend not only the people helping themselves but those external people, like the Aussie Hay Runners, who are helping communities in the Mallee.

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