Thomas Foods rebuild will lead to thousands of jobs

Member for Hammond Adrian Pederick welcomes Thomas Foods International big announcement that it will build a state of the art meat processing facility at Murray Bridge.

Thomas Foods International Chief Executive Office Darren Thomas has today confirmed the new facility will be built 10km outside the town on a greenfield site.

True to their word Thomas Foods will rebuild in Murray Bridge.

It is estimated several hundred million dollars will be spent on the new facility to replace the previous facility which was destroyed by fire on January 3rd last year.

Mr Pederick said “the fire of January last year was devastating for Murray Bridge and surrounds, however this resilient community has survived and will now go from strength to strength given this exciting announcement.”

Thomas Foods is Australia’s largest 100% family-owned meat processor and expects to create around 2000 jobs at this facility.

“I’m sure livestock producers across the state will welcome this announcement as a sign of certainty for the industry going forward.”

“Intense and sustained lobbying resulting in commitments for road infrastructure and utilities access from both the Marshall and Morrison Governments have helped enable this announcement.”

“I see this as a vote of confidence for Regional South Australia and the conditions the Marshall Liberal Government are creating to enable greater investment” Mr Pederick said.

“This will be a massive boost to the local community and the flow on effects for the local economy will be seen for decades to come.”

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