Tour to look at export growth potential in Hammond

Much needed jobs growth through export opportunities will be a key area of discussion during a two-day tour of the Hammond Electorate by Shadow Minister for Investment and Trade Tim Whetstone.

Hosted by Member for Hammond Adrian Pederick, Mr Whetstone will meet with a wide range of stakeholders in the export industry on October 21 and 22.

Mr Whetstone said the Hammond Electorate is a renowned agricultural and horticultural export area.

“A number of new businesses have been created in the Hammond Electorate through diversification of key industries focused on capitalising on freer access to international markets,” Mr Whetstone said.

“With high unemployment in the Hammond Electorate, the importance of growing exports to create jobs cannot be understated.

“Following the recent signing of Free Trade Agreements with a number of South Australia’s key trading partners, there is potential to grow the export sector, driving the economy and create jobs. Much of that growth potential comes from regional SA.”

Mr Whetstone said the two-day visit is part of an extensive schedule of trade tours being undertaken across regional South Australia.

“Many businesses have successfully created long term relationships with markets both international and interstate and the State Government must be doing everything in its power to encourage and support further growth by reducing red tape,” Mr Whetstone said.

Mr Pederick said he is eager to show Mr Whetstone through the Hammond Electorate where there are many successful exporters and key industry stakeholders.

“Economic and jobs growth is key for the future of South Australia and many of the industries being visited play a major part in these areas,” Mr Pederick said.

“I look forward to Hammond continuing to build and contribute significantly to a positive future for the region and State. This visit will identify the major potential growth opportunities currently presented to South Australia.”

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