Advocating for Langhorne Creek Roads

Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick was advocating in Parliament last week regarding the condition of roads within the Langhorne Creek region, due to the severe damage to the roads because of flood events.

“On 02nd of March I asked the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure when the Langhorne Creek region would be receiving the much needed road maintenance to fix flood damage to local roads which occurred over six months ago,” said Mr Pederick.

“The Minister’s answer was disappointing; he could not provide an appropriate answer on when this region could expect to see their roads fixed.

“As someone who travels on regional roads almost every day, it is crucial that our roads are maintained.

“The current condition of some of the Langhorne Creek region’s roads are concerning and it is the responsibility of the Minister for Transport to ensure appropriate standards of road safety are upheld.

“If our roads aren’t safe, our road users aren’t safe and I call on the Minister for Transport and the Weatherill Labor Government to immediately undertake the required roadwork throughout the Langhorne Creek region,” said Mr Pederick.

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