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Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (12:25): I rise to support this motion by the member for Morphett. This motion reads:

That this house—

(a) notes that South Australian working families and small businesses are still enduring some of the highest power prices in the country under the Malinauskas Labor state government;

(b) notes that South Australia has the highest quarterly average wholesale cost of electricity in the nation in the third quarter of 2024, up 76 per cent year on year, according to the Australian Energy Regulator;

(c) notes that electricity prices for South Australian working families have risen by $798 per year under the Malinauskas state Labor government, according to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia;

(d) acknowledges that these rises in energy prices have caused intense hardships for South Australian working families and small businesses and have increased the cost-of-living burden;

(e) condemns the Malinauskas Labor government for having their costly and experimental hydrogen power plant, which will not reduce power prices for South Australian working families and small businesses, as their only energy policy;

(f) condemns the Malinauskas Labor government for their continued inaction on energy, resulting in sky-high power prices for South Australian working families and small businesses in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis; and

(g) calls on the Malinauskas Labor government to develop an energy policy that will support South Australian working families and small businesses during this energy and cost-of-living crisis.

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Biosecurity Bill

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:50): I rise to support the Biosecurity Bill 2024. I believe this bill had its genesis back when we were in government in 2019; it was being formed up. It is absolutely vital for our primary industries—for the health of South Australians, in fact—that we do get biosecurity right. I note it is quite a complex bill and hopefully it will lead how we manage biosecurity into the future for better outcomes.

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National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (11:52): I rise to speak to the National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill. It is good to follow such an excellent summation by the shadow minister, the member for Morphett, of why this has come in place. Certainly, my view of the world is that it is at least 15 years too late. This sort of legislation should have been in place before the rush to knock down power stations, coal-fired power stations and gas power stations, with the headlong rush into heavily subsidised renewables.

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Monarto Safari Park welcomes first of five elephants

Member for Hammond Adrian Pederick has welcomed the safe arrival of the Monarto Safari Park's newest (and largest) resident, Burma the Asian elephant, following her journey from Auckland Zoo. 

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Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (12:30): I move:

That this house—

(a) acknowledges the importance of providing due recognition to those who served in World War I and that The Headstone Project gives that recognition, respect and a sense of closure to World War I veterans' families;

(b) calls on the Malinauskas Labor government to support our fallen soldiers and provide funding to The Headstone Project at the requested amount of $75,000 guaranteed for three years; and

(c) calls on the Malinauskas Labor government to petition the Albanese federal government to reverse its previous decision and agree to grant The Headstone Project S.A. 'Deductible Gift Recipient' status.

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Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (11:16): I rise to support the motion:

That this house—

(a) recognises that on 11 November we commemorate Remembrance Day;

(b) acknowledges the significance of Remembrance Day in marking the end of fighting on the Western Front;

(c) expresses its profound gratitude to all South Australian men and women who have served in the Australian Defence Force;

(d) recognises the sacrifices made, and support provided by, the families of our veterans; and

(e) acknowledges the important role of the RSL and other organisations who support veterans and their families.

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Private Members' Statements: Supporting Farmers

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:35): I rise today to acknowledge what has been done in local communities and communities being self-supporting with the frost and drought impact, and also the support coming externally. I want to acknowledge the barbecue that was held at Daniel and Emily Morgan's place at Peake recently where around 200 family members and farmers were there to talk to each other and have conversations that everyone is in it together as far as getting through these drought and frost-affected crops. It was a great night. It was pleasing to see Mayor Paul Simmons from the Coorong District Council there and everyone supporting each other.

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Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (12:39): I rise to support this motion by the member for Chaffey:

That this house—

(a) notes the imperative importance of world-leading biosecurity measures for food and fibre security in South Australia with trade and exports;

(b) recognises that a whole-of-sector and state approach to biosecurity is crucial to the health and safety of our natural landscape and primary production; and

(c) acknowledges that South Australia’s $18.5 billion agriculture, horticulture, fishing and forestry industries are best served by the management and eradication of invasive species.

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Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (19:48): I rise to make a contribution to the Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill 2024. Certainly, I have had a bit to do with greyhounds, not that I am much of a betting man as was proven Friday night, but we have a reasonably new greyhound track in Murray Bridge which I believe is world-class. Well over $8 million has been invested, not just in the oval-shaped track but in the straight track, which is certainly another form of racing that alleviates the stress on the dogs as well.

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Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:19): I rise today to talk about the, I think, bigger than once-in-a-lifetime drought; in fact, I think it is probably the biggest drought and frost experience combined that we have had for over a hundred years. I say that because in one farm's reading from 1914 for the whole year their rainfall was 230 millimetres, and to date this year they have only received 140 millimetres. It is just shocking what is happening right across the state, right across to the Western Australian border, cutting through all parts of the West Coast on Eyre Peninsula, through the Upper North and the Mid North. They are really struggling up there.

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