Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:11): My question is to the Minister for Regional Roads. When does the minister expect to complete his analysis of all regional South Australian roads and will the report be released publicly? With your leave, and that of the house, sir, I will explain.
Leave granted.
Mr PEDERICK: On 3 May, the minister said, 'I'm doing an analysis of all the roads across all of regional South Australia.'
The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Stuart—Minister for Local Government, Minister for Regional Roads, Minister for Veterans Affairs) (15:11): As I said to members in this house just a couple of minutes ago, my first day back yesterday was from eight weeks away. I have been trying to get on top of a lot of issues with the issues that I had with my health. Also, I was just getting on top of that when I contracted vertigo, which is not a very good thing to do.
However, what I need to do now during this week is to take on board—and I give any members on the other side the opportunity to ask—any questions at all. Come and see me if there are any questions, if anything is outstanding—and I will take that one on board from the member for Hammond. I need to get more briefings from the department regarding everything that's going on. I make no bones about it, having been away for eight weeks at this particular time.
I have been told by certain people not to worry about work in that eight-week period. It's easy for everybody to say that. Everybody on that side will be the same: we in this chamber are very passionate about what we are doing. Whilst I was incapacitated in the hospital, recovering, and also with the shoulder reconstruction, there is a lot of stuff that goes through your mind and you can't get rid of that. You don't just stop thinking about anything to do with work here.
But, as I said to the member for Hammond and other members over the other side, if there are any issues that we haven't got on top of in responding to those members on that side, I am happy to arrange a full meeting. For the member for Hammond, regarding that consultation I will take that on board and get back to you as soon as I can.
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