Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2017-18

Adjourned debate on motion of Mr Odenwalder:

That the 95th report of the committee, entitled Emergency Services Levy 2017-18, be noted.

(Continued from 5 July 2017.)

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (11:02): I rise to speak to the 95th report of the Economic and Finance Committee in regard to the emergency services levy 2017-18. I note that this funding is used to raise fees for our emergency services.

An honourable member: You only have a minute and a half left.

Mr PEDERICK: Have I? I did not realise I had only that much left. I probably had a good go earlier.

The SPEAKER: Feel free to complain about the limitation for the next minute.

Mr PEDERICK: I would like to reiterate what happens when we have a major event: the people of South Australia are hit with a rather large bill every time and our emergency services levy just keeps going up. We do get services, but sometimes those services take forever. I note that the Rocklea and Tailem Bend stations, if they have not been started, will be soon. Rocklea especially has been a bone of contention for a long time in making sure that the Crown land report had come through. That was a blue internally in government.

I note that Coonalpyn has a new station, which is good to see, but I will say that that took 14 years—14 years from conception to that station opening in only the last month or so. It is a good facility, but it is ridiculous that these stations take so long. With regard to Rocklea, it was only due to the kind generosity of a farmer and a member of the CFS who stored the fire truck on his property, so there does need to be some improvement.

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