The Federal Government recently announced a $5.5 million funding package which will see two dozen South Australian road blackspots addressed, including two within the Hammond Electorate.
“As the Member for Hammond, I am very pleased with this announcement and look forward to works commencing on the allocated areas,” said Mr Pederick.
“Karoonda Highway (Loxton to Murray Bridge) approximately 3km west of Karoonda Highway and Kulde Road intersection will have a W-Beam installed and a section of wide shoulder sealing.
“Additionally, Ridley Road will also receive a W-Beam and wide sealed shoulder on curves.
“Both these roads have had issues raised with me in the past, so I am appreciative of the most recent funding announcement from the Federal Government.
“The $5.5 million road blackspot program will further increase the safety of roads in South Australia and I am appreciative of the Federal Government’s commitment in that regard.
“Increasing motorist safety should be a high agenda for any government and I am proud to be part of a State Government which has a dedicated road infrastructure fund. This fund will assist in alleviating the road maintenance backlog caused by the previous state administration.
“I am still aware of areas within the Hammond Electorate which require attention and I will continue to pursue these concerns within Government,” said Mr Pederick.
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