Liberal’s Key Policy for Regional Health

Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick and the Marshall Liberal Team are committed to decentralising the public health system and increasing patient care and safety, through their recently announced policy that ‘engages communities and clinicians for better health.’

“Under the Weatherill Labor Government we have seen bureaucracy within the public health system increase substantially, whilst the patients receive lesser quality care and services,” said Mr Pederick.

“It appears those who are most important are often being forgotten or ignored. If a Marshall Liberal Government were to be elected in 2018, through this policy, local communities and clinicians would be empowered and patient safety would be improved.

“A State Liberal Government would decentralise public health by establishing metropolitan and regional health management boards.

“As the Member for Hammond, I represent a regional electorate and it is disappointing to see the lack of consideration provided to public health services in regional areas.

“I am committed to ensuring regional health is considered and the residents of regional South Australia are treated fairly,” said Mr Pederick.

As per the Marshall Liberal Team’s policy, within the first 100 days, a State Liberal Government will:

  • Move to establish governing boards for the existing three metropolitan health networks;
  • Consult on the boundaries of up to six regional health networks as the first step towards establishing their boards of management; and
  • Put legislation into the Parliament to underpin the new governance and accountability framework including Boards having the power to appoint a CEO and manage their own budgets.

“Quality and efficient regional health is crucial and under a Marshall Liberal Government this policy will contribute to achieving these outcomes,” said Mr Pederick.

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