Murray Darling Basin Diversification Fund doomed

Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick has demanded that the Weatherill Labor stops turning its back on the $25 million that the Federal Government allocated three years ago for the Murray Darling Basin Diversification Fund.

“There are a number of important projects in the Murrayland and Riverland communities that could benefit from this funding,” said Mr Pederick.

“The Weatherill Labor Government is turning its back on these Murrayland and Riverland communities because it has little understanding of the needs of South Australians living outside Adelaide.”

Time is running out. The Labor Government only has until Federal Budget Day on 12th May to revoke their decision and implement the funding to the Murray Darling Basin which it is rightfully entitled to.

“There is $75 million that has been allocated across the other three basin states and they are spending that money on projects, yet the South Australian Murraylands and Riverland miss out,” said Mr Pederick.

“Members of the State Labor Government should hang their heads in shame, from the Premier down, for stopping this money reaching our regional communities.”

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