Natural Resources Management (NRM) Levy increase

Liberal Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick today spoke to Parliament’s Natural Resources Committee (NRC) on behalf of many outraged residents in Hammond and greater South Australia.

“Regional South Australia is of great importance to the prosperity of the State. Those living in the regions need to be considered and preserved and this proposal doesn’t do either,” said Mr Pederick.

“In the most recent Budget, the Weatherill Labor Government ordered the Natural Resource’s Management Boards to collect $3.5 million in water planning and management expenses. This is expected to increase to $6.7 million by 2016/17.”

“Along with water management costs being billed there is also a cost recovery component for the Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources’ (DEWNR) staff wages.

“We can expect to see water licence holders paying $6.30/ML by 2018/19 for resources they may only utilise 50% of the time.

“Homeowners will be hit with levies increasing by 136% in some cases depending on their location.

“This brings the total for both levies from $9.4 million in 2015/16 to $13.5 million by 2016/17.

“I have been contacted by many expressing their concern regarding the levy increase.

“It is simply unfair to impose such an impost on South Australians who have already been hit with numerous other levy increases this year.

“This is simply nothing more than another indication of mismanagement by the Weatherill Labor Government.

“It unfortunately means taxpayers are left to pick up the pieces and wear the financial hardship initiated by the Weatherill Labor Government.

“South Australians are pleading for the increase to be abolished as it is unfair and many don’t believe they will cope with further increases,” said Mr Pederick.

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