Pederick puts PATS on the agenda

Liberal Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick, has written to new Regional Development Minister, Geoff Brock, about the distance threshold of the Patients Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS).

PATS allows South Australians living in rural locations to claim financial assistance to help pay for travel, escort and accommodation costs when they travel over 100 kilometres each way to see a specialist.

“PATS is an important scheme to regional communities,” said Mr Pederick.

“However, a majority of residents living in Hammond are unable to obtain any benefit from this financial support scheme when seeking medical assistance in Adelaide.

“Hammond is a rural electorate, however the distance threshold means a majority of those living in towns like Goolwa and Murray Bridge do not qualify.

“The PATS distance threshold is something I have raised with the Weatherill Labor Government regularly.

“It has long been an issue for Hammond and I am urging Minister Brock to fight for change within the Labor Government cabinet, which has neglected the regions for 12 years.

“As the Member for Hammond, I will continually raise the important issues facing our communities with Mr Brock.”

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