Queen Elizabeth II

I was shocked and saddened to hear the news this morning of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 

The Queen has been a constant in all our lives and for our Country for the seventy years of her Reign. The stability she brought and the grace and humility in which she carried out her duties will long be remembered. 

Her dedication to democracy and the rule of law saw her stand with us during times of war and other uncertainty.

The Queen visited our State seven times and was always interested in our wellbeing and progress.

I think the Leader of the Opposition, David Speirs MP summed Her Majesty up perfectly when he said "She was as remarkable as she was normal". 

My condolences go to King Charles III and the extended Royal Family.

May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Rest in Peace.

Today I signed a condolence book at Government House in Adelaide. A condolence book is available for signing at my office at 20 Mannum Road, Murray Bridge during office hours or online at https://www.pmc.gov.au/condolence-form 

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  • Adrian Pederick