Appropriation Bill 2016
Estimates Committees
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (10:55): I advise the house that I am not the lead speaker in regard to the estimates reply. I will say in my lead-in comments that I did appreciate the work of both chairs of these committees, the members for Florey and Little Para, who sometimes had to put up with interjections and frustration, but I think they did the job good service considering what was going on. I guess the disappointing thing—
Read moreAppropriation Bill 2016 - Appropriation Grievance
Adjourned debate to note grievances (resumed on motion)
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (15:41): I rise to make a further contribution in regard to the Appropriation Bill 2016. The member for Heysen gave a very eloquent appraisal of what the government is doing with the privatisation of the Lands Titles Office, and I want to add a few words. Conveyancers from my electorate have expressed to me what they believe is the high risk of this information of land title. It is like everything, as in the movie, a man’s, or a woman’s, I should say as well—
An honourable member interjecting:
Read moreEconomic and Finance Committee: Inquiry Into Local Government Rape Capping Policies
Mr PEDERICK: I rise to speak to the 91st report of the Economic and Finance Committee entitled Inquiry into Local Government Rate Capping Policies. I am a little bit intrigued with the stance of the Local Government Association. It is running a campaign against the Liberal Party because we have this proposal about rate capping. As the shadow minister and the member for Goyder has outlined, it does not mean that your rates will be capped at a certain level if the council is prepared to have a discussion with their community and put forward proposals for infrastructure builds and spending that they need to conduct within their council areas, put that to the public in a transparent way.
Read moreSmall Business
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (12:04): I rise to support the motion by the member for Hartley, noting that:
1. (a) small business is the lifeblood of the economy and employment in South Australia;
(b) the process for establishing a start-up small business in South Australia is restrictive, riddled with senseless regulations and is ultimately a disincentive for current and prospective small business owners.
2. Condemns the government—
(a) for its failure to support start-up small businesses throughout its tenure in office;
(b) for imposing the highest taxes, most burdensome regulations and worst conditions for the start-up small business sector;
(c) for being directly responsible for the loss of thousands of jobs in South Australia in the start-up small business sector and the severe financial and personal hardship these people have suffered as a result of the government's regressive policies, and
3. Calls on honourable members to foster policies which will benefit the small business sector and its employees in South Australia.
Read moreNatural Resources Committee: Pinery Bushfires
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:21 ): I rise to speak on the Pinery fire regional fact-finding report by the Natural Resources Committee and commend the committee not only for looking at the aftermath of the devastating Pinery fire but also for inviting other members of parliament, both state and federal, to go along. I was certainly very impressed to have the opportunity to see firsthand the carnage that had occurred, even though this was four months after the event, as well as the attempts people were making to reduce drift and soil erosion.
Read moreConstitution (Demise of the Crown) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 22 June 2016.)
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (11:29): I rise to speak to the Constitution (Demise of the Crown) Amendment Bill 2016. Like the deputy leader, I certainly do not wish any ill will on Her Majesty in debating this legislation. I note the comments that the deputy leader made around the possible treasonous effects of the Attorney-General's bringing this to the house, but I hope he has no ill effects, apart from perhaps a session in the stocks. I would hope to see nothing higher than that.
Read moreIntervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 22 June 2016.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 16:04 ): I rise to speak on the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill 2016. I note that this bill was introduced by the Attorney on 22 June, and it amends the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009. This bill is part of South Australia's undertaking as part of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 2015 to develop a national domestic violence order scheme to provide for the automatic recognition and enforcement of domestic and family violence orders in any state or territory.
Read moreFree Trade Agreements
Debate resumed.
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 12:24 ): I rise to support this motion brought by the member for Chaffey:
That this house—
(a) recognises the benefits of free trade agreements to South Australian businesses and the economy; and
(b) acknowledges the work of the commonwealth government to establish recent free trade agreements with Korea, Japan and China.
Read moreNatural Resources Committee: Unconventional Gas (Fracking) Interim Report
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. S.W. Key:
That the 106th report of the committee , entitled Unconventional Gas (Fracking) Interim Report , be noted.
(Continued from 18 November 2015.)
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:42 ): I rise to speak to the Natural Resources Committee 106th report, titled Unconventional Gas (Fracking) Interim Report. As I have indicated in this place before, I was involved in the fracking industry from 1982 into early 1983 in the Cooper Basin, operating in the north of this state and in Queensland. Fracking is certainly a business that does open up the resource. In the Cooper Basin, it has been low volume fracking, or fracturing. I was involved in fracturing many drill holes and many oil wells. I was working for a company called Gearhart Australia, which was subsequently taken over by Halliburton, which is a major company operating in this field.
Read morePatient Care Escalation Policy
Mr PEDERICK ( Hammond ) ( 11:49 ): I move:
That this house urges the state government and the Minister for Health to outline and implement a patient care escalation policy with the inclusion of a medical intervention phone number for families, carers, guardians, and patients , as an initiative to prevent misdiagnosis and future deaths.
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